Lung Qi Herbal Smokes

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Lung Qi Herbal Smokes

from $4.95

Lung Qi Herbal Smokes

A blend of herbs and essences to move qi in the lungs.

Borage & Linden to aid Grief that settles in the lungs.

Lobelia & Mullein are bronchodilators and can aid in breaking up phlegm in the lungs and allow more oxygen. Lobelia mimics nicotine in the body without causing addiction. Therefore, it is a good alternative to tobacco cigarettes.

> Personal side note: Try the Wild Heart for a tasty smoke. This one is more therapeutic. However, if you do not smoke- please do not start!

Organic Ingredients: Mullein, Borage, Lobelia, Linden, and gem & flower essences of Albizzia, Comfrey, Rose quartz, Arnica, Rose, and Sweetgrass. Raw Hemp papers and cotton filter.

Mullein, Verbascum thapsus:

“Mullein is a fine medicinal for the lungs, even when you smoke it. It soothes inflamed or infected lungs and prevents coughing until infection or inflammation is broken. Then it aids in expectoration, helping to break up congestion and promote “effective” coughing. It was smoked to stop the coughing of tuberculosis years ago. It is wonderful for any lung cleansing. Very gentle and non-toxic, you can use it anytime. If you are a smoker and sick and can’t stop coughing from a cold, you can smoke some Mullein instead of Tobacco. It may help you to stop coughing, and you will have smoked one less cigarette. If you are not a smoker, stick with tincture (extract) or Mullein tea. After all, there’s no need to smoke when you’re sick in your lungs.”

10 hand-rolled cigarettes / or 7 gram package of loose smoke blend

*Tobacco, Vegan, and Gluten free.

>>If you purchase these, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.<<

*Warning: Smoking is hazardous to your health.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA

Lung Qi:
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